Submit Wallet Address
Submit your wallet address and claim this if you were Conqueror rank! Was top of the leaderboard in Season 1
Submit Wallet Address
Submit your wallet address and claim this if you were Ascent rank! Earned 501-1,000 EXP in Season 1
Submit Wallet Address
Submit your wallet address and claim this if you were Pinnacle rank! Earned 3,001-6000 EXP in Season 1
Submit Wallet Address
Submit your wallet address and claim this if you were Summit rank! Earned 1,001-3000 EXP in Season 1
Submit Wallet Address
Submit your wallet address and claim this if you were Apex rank! Earned more than 7,500 EXP in Season 1
Submit Wallet Address
Submit your wallet address and claim this if you won 1,000 EXP from the Bronze Gacha